Auto Warranty Protection

Car Repairs ?We got you covered!
Call Today 713-860-1971
When you have a warranty direct you can: Call us when car is in the shop, Free Roadside Assistance, We pay the repair shop directly, A+ rated by the BBB.

Most affordable bumper-to-bumper coverage
Protection for the items that were covered by your bumper-to-bumper warranty but not by your powertrain warranty.
Ultimate exclusionary bumper-to-bumper protection
Comprehensive extended car warranty coverage designed for vehicles equipped with an assortment of today's luxuries, conveniences, electronics, and accessories.
Ultimate exclusionary bumper-to-bumper protection
Bumper-to-bumper coverage of all major vehicle systems. Includes
extra assurances like roadside assistance.
Complete coverage for all 16 major systems of your vehicle
Protection for the most important components of your automobile, including engine, transmission, air conditioning and more.
Component coverage for 12 of your vehicles major systems
Smart protection for vehicles up to 7 years old and that have
been driven less than 100,000 miles.
Premium component coverage for your used vehicle
Premium component coverage for repairs on your used vehicle, including seals and gaskets, air conditioning, cooling system, fuel system and electronics.
Major Medical Coverage for your Used Vehicle
Comprehensive, low-cost, major component extended warranty coverage for your used or high mileage car.