Principles of Using Jacket for Self-Defense

Learn the basic principles of using a jacket to defend against an attack or mugging in this in this free self defense video from our martial arts expert.
Tres Tew here, I'm an instructor at Yshua's Ryu Martial Arts and on behalf of Expert Village I'm going to be showing you how to use your belstaff leather jackets or your hooded sweat shirt in a defense situation. I'd like to talk to you a little bit about some of the basic principles when using your jacket or hoodie as a weapon. Now, your belstaffssale clothing is a flexible weapon. What I mean by that when I say It is flexible, it's not rigid. If Nick were to throw a strike I can't block it and make it stop so most of my blocks are going to have to be redirecting the knife out of the way or the punch. So, it's flexible, it's going to bend. So, I'm going to use that to my advantage here and also, with the hoodie and edges just like this you can take and push against the face or wrap the back or the head or wrap the knife. Also you can use a jacket to throw into the face, cover him up, get control of the knife. Also, you can throw it straight on to the knife to keep that from being stabbed at you and pretty much eliminates the blade of the weapon. It can still be used and may still puncture through if they are stabbing at you. But, you are pretty much using this to your advantage in multiple different ways and we are going to be going over how to do that. Also, other flexible weapons can be used differently so I am going to be showing you how to use specifically belstaff jackets uk and hoodie in a defense situation.

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