How to Dress to Suit Red Hair

Red hair is beautiful, but sometimes the bright color of red hair makes it seem difficult to find clothes to match hair color. Follow these tips to accentuate your crowning glory.


1. Make your hair a feature and flaunt it! Work around the hair when finding an outfit. Keep in mind that simplicity in prom gowns will make your red hair more noticeable.

2. Wear long red hair down. Accessorize short red hair with clips that complement your outfit. Your hairdresser should be able to help you with ideas. If he or she can't, maybe you should find a different hair salon. See the Resources below for some more good tips for redheads.

3. Choose the dress colors you want to wear with messenger bags. You can go for bright vibrant colors like turquoise, yellow, orange or bright blue. Another good color to wear is white. Or you can play it safe and Cheap Bridesmaid Dresses online in black, dark brown, olive green or gold.

4. Glamorize yourself by dressing all in black for an evening look. This brings out the vibrancy of red hair.

5. Feature your eyes! Wear makeup that compliments what you are wearing. Blue makeup, smudged brown makeup or even white makeup will bring out your eyes and also compliment your hair. Got to Internet sites that specialize in makeup for redheads, such as RedheadsFancy (see Resources).

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